Joshua 10

The stories told in Joshua display the greatness of God who fights for his people. God had promised the land of Canaan to the Israelites, and he used a leader named Joshua, who holds striking similarities to our great leader, Jesus. Joshua 10 is a reminder of the victory we have in Jesus. God had guaranteed victory to his people because he would fight in the battle with them (v. 8)

Victory does not come without a battle, but with God you will always win. 

For Israel to conquer Canaan they had to fight wars. Adoni-Zedek, king of Jerusalem, caught wind of the battles Israel had won. He heard how great warriors like the Gibeonites surrendered to serve Israel, and how kings had been killed as their cities were conquered (v. 1).  He feared that he and his people would have the same fate (v. 2). Knowing his impending defeat, Adoni-Zedek rallied four other kings of nearby cities to make war against Gibeon (v. 3-5). 

Our spiritual enemies will always rally together because they know their end. 

The Gibeonites called out to Joshua for help as the five cities formed an attack against them (v. 6). Because of the covenant made with the Gibeonites, Joshua pulled out all the stops to help fight in their battle (v. 7). God promised to Joshua that he would win the battle, and so he set out in the night and marched with the promise of victory (v. 8-9)

The people of God do not fight for victory, but from victory. The promise of success is made even before we step into battle. 

As Joshua and his mighty men of valor arrived at Gibeon, the Lord threw the enemies into a panic and they were chased back for miles (v. 10). While the enemies were fleeing the Lord sent hailstones from heaven to crush them. More enemies died by the hailstones than by the sword (v. 11). While this was happening Joshua prayed to the Lord and asked him to cause the sun to stand still until the battle was won (v. 12-13).

When God fights our battles, he does so with his mighty power. God always wins big. 

Joshua and the people returned to Gilgal, and it was reported that the five kings were found hiding in a cave. They opened the cave, pulled out the kings, put their feet on their necks, subsequently putting them to death. They hung their bodies from trees, and then threw their carcasses back into the cave where they had been trying to hide. 

When God wins a victory, he wins completely. He finished the work, especially in disarming and shaming the enemy (Col. 2:15). 

Over the course of several months, Joshua and his men of war conquered all of southern Canaan (v. 29-41). Joshua captured many kings and their lands because the Lord God of Israel fought for Israel. God will always fight for his people (v. 42). 


