Knowing Jesus and Being Known
Mission + Practice
What we do and why we do it. This is represented in the sections of our logo at Calvary Palos Verdes…
To know Jesus | Teaching and Preaching
Jesus is real and he has revealed himself to you through the Bible. When you come to know Jesus, he will show you the Father, and empower you by the Holy Spirit.
To be known by Jesus | Worship and Prayer
You can bring the real you to the real Jesus. God already knows everything about you, so you can be honest with him and come to him as you are.
To be known by one another | Community and Discipleship
Jesus made his church to be a diverse community of followers committed to loving one another. Through mutual love, support, and encouragement we come alive as we become known.
To make Jesus known | Evangelism and Missions
When we know Jesus, are known by Jesus, and are known by one another, we cannot help but to let everyone know about it. We want more people to experience the life changing love that is in Jesus and his people.