“What is God’s will for me?” This question can almost haunt a Christian. We long to find answers to this question, because when we do, our calling is made clear. And without the wisdom of scripture to inform us about God’s will and our calling, we would all be floundering. In Acts 13, the Christians in Antioch wanted to know what God had planned for them, and so they did what Jesus instructed them to do: they gathered, they worshipped and fasted, they listened, and they obeyed.  As they did these things they were able to determine God’s will.  

“Now there were in the church at Antioch prophets and teachers, Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen a member of the court of Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.” Acts 13:1

God’s will is determined when we gather.

Persecution had risen in the first-century church, and followers of Jesus had been scattered from their homes. Many of these scattered believers found refuge in the large city of Antioch. So many followers of Jesus had gathered in Antioch that it became the new epicenter for the church. It was in Antioch that believers were first called “Christians”. This church exploded with people falling in love with Jesus! 

We are told in Acts 13:1 that there were prophets and teachers in this church and several of them are named. It seems that the list of men that Luke gives is meant to show the diversity that existed in the church. These men all came from very different races, cultures, and backgrounds: Barnabas and Saul were Jewish, Simeon and Lucius were African, and Manaen had been a member of the most notorious political family of the day.

God’s will would be determined in this setting – Christians gathered. The church is called out of the world, but then called into community, often with great diversity. When Christians gather with God’s Word as the centerpiece, the will of God will be determined. God can speak to us individually, and he does, but God loves to speak to the Christians corporately. As we gather, God will speak through prophets and teachers as they instruct us in the truth. God also loves to reveal his will through the mutual encouragement that exists in a body of believers. 

“While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting…” Acts 13:2a

God’s will is determined when we worship and fast. 

So the church in Antioch was doing what Christians do when they gather. They were worshipping the Lord. They probably had some instruments, and they gathered in some kind of space that could fit them all. They sang songs to Jesus because they loved him and wanted to honor him. 

God was going to give some work for this church to do. His will included plans and callings that he was ready to give. He had great ministry laid out for them, and key people already chosen for the work, but he first wanted them to be found in a place of reliance. Their fasting demonstrated that they were relying on God to give them their next steps. Their worship showed surrender to whatever those steps would be. 

However, before God would give them work to do for him, he wanted them to worship him. What point is there to know what God wants for your life if God is not worshipped at the center of your life? Your work for Him will only be effective if it comes as the fruit of worship to Him. 

Before God wants anything from you, he just wants to be with you. He wants you to be in his presence - worshipping. It’s when you are in that place of worshipping and fasting - seeking God what He wants, rather than relying on your flesh to tell you what you want - that your life and work will be blessed and fruitful for him. 

“…the Holy Spirit said…” Acts 13:2b

God’s will is determined when we listen.

As they were worshipping and fasting the Holy Spirit spoke to them. That’s right, God talked to them. The Holy Spirit has a voice and we need to cultivate a listening ear for Him. If you wonder what it is like to hear the Holy Spirit speak to you, the best way to learn is by gathering with believers to worship and fast. 

How did they hear the Holy Spirit speak? He may have spoken through one of the prophets. Some people have the spiritual gift of hearing what the Holy Spirit wants to speak to the church and to faithfully declare it. It’s unlikely that anyone heard an audible voice. Usually, God will speak by His Spirit into the spirit of a person, and they have a responsibility by faith to speak what they are hearing from God. 

So, whether it is you who hears the word of prophecy or someone else does not matter. What matters is that you are listening when God speaks. Of course, we always test prophecies and see if they are from God. The sure method of testing prophecy is to take it to the Word of God and see if it lines up with scripture. If the Bible confirms it as truth, and it builds up the church, then receive it by faith. 

Here is what the Holy Spirit said:

“Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” Acts 13:2c

The Holy Spirit gets specific with the church in Antioch, and they hear him say that he wants two of their leaders to be set apart so that he can use them for some work that he has for them. God had work for Barnabas and Saul, and he was calling them to it. How cool is that?! 

I think something important should be noted here: Has the Holy Spirit set apart all Christians for his service? YES!  Have all Christians been called by God? YES! 

There is a general sense in which the Holy Spirit has called every Christian to work for him, so go and work for him!  You’re name and social security number don't have to be written in the sky for you to know that the Holy Spirit has set you apart to work for him and that you are called.


Sometimes in a very exciting and awesome way, the Holy Spirit will speak and he will get specific. He will call out names and he will give specific tasks. He will do this by stirring up a passion in someone’s heart or through prophecy, dreams, or visions. The Holy Spirit will call specific people to specific places, to do specific things for the Lord. 

  • The Lord might call someone to go be a missionary in China.

  • The Lord might call someone to be a pastor in a small rural town.

  • The Lord might call someone to adopt a child who has a disability. 

  • The Lord might call someone to start a business that makes a social impact. 

  • The Lord might call someone to be a supporter of another’s calling. 

Sometimes all we need is the general call of God to go make disciples to get started. However, God also gives specific callings, and when he does we need to listen up and obey!

“Then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off” Acts 13:3

God’s will is determined when we obey. 

They ended their fasting and praying and probably had a delicious meal together. The Holy Spirit had spoken, and now they had the responsibility to heed the call. They had listened, but now they had to obey. They were to take two of their best leaders, set them aside for work that God had planned for them, and send them off. And they were to do it immediately. 

They sent Barnabas and Saul by laying hands on them. The laying on of hands is a practice of Christians that contain power because it brings the people of God together in agreement. By placing hands on the person being prayed for, there is an agreement that the person is going to be used in service to God. The Holy Spirit honors the faith demonstrated through hands laid, and he works through it.

The laying on of hands is used for several things in the life of a Christian:

  • For a person to receive the Holy Spirit

  • For a person to receive gifts from the Holy Spirit

  • For a person to receive healing from the Holy Spirit

  • For a person to be sent out to do what the Holy Spirit is calling them to. 

When we follow this pattern set by the early church and lay hand on one another, we send people into their callings! Paul laid hands on Timothy to send him into his calling as a pastor and preacher. Who might the Lord have us lay our hands on for the calling and work he has planned for them?

If you Just keep reading Acts you see how the Holy Spirit used Paul and Barnabas. Three missionary journeys later with thousands upon thousands of people coming to Jesus by faith, Paul and Barnabas would be able to look back on their lives and say, “Remember that time in Antioch when the Holy Spirit set us apart and called us to the work he had for us? Aren’t we glad that we listened and obeyed and stepped out by faith?” 

I don’t know what the future holds for you. But, I do believe God has a calling for every person, and it is His will to have you walk in the plans he has prepared for you beforehand. We discover and live into it when we gather, worship, fast, listen and obey. Today you can live in the general call to love God and make disciples, and while doing that you will discover more of the specific details of your calling.


