Books of the Bible

Mark 16:15-20 - Sent and Empowered
Before Jesus ascended to heaven he commanded his disciples to go into all the world and proclaim the gospel. What God commands he also enables. God gives us the power of the Holy Spirit to fulfill the Great Commission.

Mark 16:1-14 - Jesus is Alive!
On the first day of the week the women went to the tomb and discovered that the stone had been rolled away. Jesus is alive! Jesus rose from the dead, and then he appeared to multiple eyewitnesses. The Resurrection is the proof that Jesus is the Son of God, and he is worthy of our belief and service.

Mark 15:33-47 - Dead and Buried
Jesus was on the cross for six hours, and in his final breath he cried out, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" The Father poured out his wrath on Jesus, so that he could pour out his love on sinners. In Mark 15:33-47 we see the death and burial of Jesus. He was buried by a secret disciple in a tomb that had never been used, but he only needed it for three days.

Mark 15:16-32 - The Crucified King
Jesus, the King of Kings, was crucified for the sins of the world. Mark 15:16-32 gives the details of the beatings and mocking that led up to him being crucified. Once on the cross he was mocked as a king who could not save himself. However, Jesus was saving us on the cross by taking our sin upon himself.

Mark 15:1-15 - Delivered Over
Jesus is delivered over by the Jews to stand before Pilate. He is tried and sentenced to death by crucifixion. King Jesus, the innocent one, stands in the place of Barabbas, the guilty rebel.

Mark 14:53-72 - We Have Seen the Enemy
Jesus is betrayed by his nation, his enemies, and his friend. In all, he remains faithful to his Father and his cause (our redemption), standing for truth and declaring himself Messiah and God.

Mark 14:43-52 - A Faithful Friend
Jesus was betrayed by Judas and abandoned by all of his disciples, and yet he showed grace and faithfulness to them in the midst of it all. He knows what it is like to be betrayed and abandoned, and in him, we are never alone. Do we know Jesus as friend?

Mark 14:27-42 - Garden of Gethsemane
In the final hours of his life, Jesus prayed to his Father to ask for another way to accomplish salvation. In Gethsemane we see the humanity of Jesus on display as he agonizes over the prospect of death by crucifixion and bearing the world's sins.

Mark 14:12-26 - Jesus Makes New
Jesus planned and prepared for his disciples to celebrate Passover in the upper room of a house. During the meal Jesus announced that he would be betrayed. Then with bread and a cup he introduced the New Covenant.

Mark 14:1-11 - Extravagant Love
A woman performs an act of extravagant love and worship of Jesus that reflects His true worth to her, which is an example of what it means to fully surrender all that we are to Him, and pictures His extravagant love for us.

Mark 13:14-37 - Olivet Discourse Pt. 2
While on the Mount of Olives, Jesus teaches his disciples about future events. In the Olivet Discourse (Mark 13), Jesus tells us what will happen before the end of the world, and how we ought to live in the last days.

Mark 13:1-13 - Olivet Discourse Pt. 1
While on the Mount of Olives, Jesus teaches his disciples about future events. In the Olivet Discourse (Mark 13), Jesus tells us what will happen before the end of the world, and how we ought to live in the last days.

Mark 12:35-44 - The Lord, the Scribes, and the Widow
While Jesus was in the temple he showed from the scriptures that he is Lord, gave a warning about the Scribes, and used a poor widow as an example of faithful giving.

Mark 12:28-34 - Love: The Great Commandment
When a scribe asks Jesus what the most important commandment is, Jesus responds by telling him that it's all about love - loving God and loving your neighbor.

Mark 12:13-27 - Wise Answers
The Pharisees, Herodians, and Sadducees tried to trap Jesus in his words by asking him questions about taxes and the resurrection. In Mark 12:13-27 Jesus puts his wisdom on display as the people marvel at his answers.

Mark 12:1-12 - The Gardens of the Lord
Through the parable of the tenants, Jesus reveals himself to be the son of God and asks us to reflect on the foundations of our life. Through the parable Jesus also warns that there is a day of judgment to come for those who reject the son, but the promise of God’s eternal garden to those who will receive it.
* Our sincere apologies for the overall audio issues.

Mark 11:12-33 - Faith Over Fruitlessness
Jesus cleanses the temple and curses a fig tree to show that fruitless religion is dead. Jesus teaches his disciples to have faith in God while believing in prayer and forgiving others.
* Our sincere apologies for the overall audio issues.

Mark 11:1-11 - Confidence and Trust in the King
Jesus enters the final week of his life with the Triumphal Entry. In Mark 11:1-11 we see the kind of confidence and trust we can have in Jesus, the King of Glory.
* Our sincere apologies for the overall audio issues.

Mark 10:35-52 - Kingdom Servants
What is greatness in the kingdom of God? Jesus teaches his disciples in Mark 10:35-52 that greatness in the kingdom is when you become a servant of all.
* Our sincere apologies for the first part of the sermon getting cut off.

Mark 10:23-34 - Come and Follow
After the rich young ruler left and decided not to follow Jesus, the disciples were amazed. Jesus explains to his disciples in Mark 10:23-34 more about what it means to enter the kingdom and follow Jesus and what it will cost a person.