Books of the Bible

Philippians 4:6-23 - The Peace of God
Paul ends the letter to the Philippians by exhorting them to pray, think, and live in such a way that they will have the peace of God. The peace of God surpasses human understanding, and it can be experienced by those who have a relationship with God, through Jesus Christ.

Philippians 3:17-4:5 - Healthy Spiritual Relationships
When we have a healthy relationship with God and healthy relationships with other believers we will have joy in our lives.

Philippians 3:1-16 - Living a Forward Focused Life
This passage in Philippians explores joy - where is it found, how do we find it, and what can rob us of it.

Philippians 2:12-30 - Obedient Faith
As beloved children of God, we are called to obey God. Obeying God does not save us, but once we are saved we will obey God. God sovereignly works his salvation into us, and then we have a responsibility to work out our own salvation. Paul holds up Timothy and Epaphroditus as examples of people of obedient faith.

Philippians 2:1-11 - Unity of the Spirit
Philippians 2 will encourage us to be unified as a body, by walking in humility, to the glory of the Father.

Philippians 1:18-30 - Life and Death
While Paul was in prison he wanted to glorify Jesus. He was torn between whether living or dying would be better. Paul knew that to die and be with Jesus was better, because when a Christian dies we go to be at home with Jesus in heaven. Regardless, Paul would live each day for Jesus and so should we.

Philippians 1:1-18 - A Joyful Start
Paul was filled with joy as he remembered the start of the church in Philippi. He was also thankful for his relationship with the saints and he always prayed for them. As our church begins Home Groups, this is a joyful start of many new relationships in the church.