Books of the Bible

Easter 2024
In John 20, Jesus appears alive to his fearful disciples and he speaks peace, gives purpose, and breathes power into them.

Palm Sunday - Fickle Faith
The crowds hailing Jesus on Palm Sunday turned on Him a few days later on Good Friday and called out for Him to be crucified. In this message, we will examine what it was about them that caused their faith to be so fickle, compared to the faith of Mary the sister of Lazarus.

Easter - Hope is Alive!
To celebrate our first Easter as a church we look at 1 Peter 1:1-9. Those who put faith in Jesus have been born again to a living hope. We have a living hope because we have a living God. Jesus died for sin, was buried, and three days later rose again. Therefore, hope is alive!

Mark 9:42-50 - Weeping
For Palm Sunday, we continue in Mark where Jesus teaches about hell. Jesus describes hell as a place of unquenchable fire, a worm that never dies, with weeping and gnashing of teeth. On Palm Sunday Jesus wept over Jerusalem, because the people did not want peace by being gathered to Jesus. Jesus weeps for those who perish apart from him.