Hebrews 3:1-6 - Consider Jesus
Teachings Daniel Hendrickson Teachings Daniel Hendrickson

Hebrews 3:1-6 - Consider Jesus

As holy brothers and sisters in Christ, who share in a heavenly calling, we must consider Jesus, the Apostle and High Priest of our confession. When we consider Jesus it is clear that he is better than all else. For the Hebrews it was important for them to see that Jesus is better than Moses.

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Hebrews 2:1-4 - Drifting and Neglecting
Teachings Daniel Hendrickson Teachings Daniel Hendrickson

Hebrews 2:1-4 - Drifting and Neglecting

We receive the first warning in Hebrews: we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. There is the danger of drifting away from the message of Jesus, and neglecting the salvation that he offers. How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?

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Hebrews 1:4-14 - The Son’s Superiority
Teachings Daniel Hendrickson Teachings Daniel Hendrickson

Hebrews 1:4-14 - The Son’s Superiority

God added humanity to his deity in the person of Jesus Christ. The writer of Hebrews proves that Jesus, the Son of God, is much more superior to angels by quoting seven Old Testament scriptures. Jesus is not an angel, he is God.

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Hebrews 1:1-4 - God Has Spoken
Teachings Daniel Hendrickson Teachings Daniel Hendrickson

Hebrews 1:1-4 - God Has Spoken

The book of Hebrews begins unlike most New Testament letters. Instead of stating the author and the recipient of the letter, it gets right into its main subject - Jesus. The introduction to Hebrews gives seven attributes of Jesus, the Son of God.

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Philippians 4:6-23 - The Peace of God
Teachings Daniel Hendrickson Teachings Daniel Hendrickson

Philippians 4:6-23 - The Peace of God

Paul ends the letter to the Philippians by exhorting them to pray, think, and live in such a way that they will have the peace of God. The peace of God surpasses human understanding, and it can be experienced by those who have a relationship with God, through Jesus Christ. 

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Philippians 2:12-30 - Obedient Faith
Teachings Daniel Hendrickson Teachings Daniel Hendrickson

Philippians 2:12-30 - Obedient Faith

As beloved children of God, we are called to obey God. Obeying God does not save us, but once we are saved we will obey God. God sovereignly works his salvation into us, and then we have a responsibility to work out our own salvation. Paul holds up Timothy and Epaphroditus as examples of people of obedient faith.

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Philippians 1:18-30 - Life and Death
Teachings Daniel Hendrickson Teachings Daniel Hendrickson

Philippians 1:18-30 - Life and Death

While Paul was in prison he wanted to glorify Jesus. He was torn between whether living or dying would be better. Paul knew that to die and be with Jesus was better, because when a Christian dies we go to be at home with Jesus in heaven. Regardless, Paul would live each day for Jesus and so should we.

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Philippians 1:1-18 - A Joyful Start
Teachings Daniel Hendrickson Teachings Daniel Hendrickson

Philippians 1:1-18 - A Joyful Start

Paul was filled with joy as he remembered the start of the church in Philippi. He was also thankful for his relationship with the saints and he always prayed for them. As our church begins Home Groups, this is a joyful start of many new relationships in the church.

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James 4:11-5:6 - God is God and You Are Not
Teachings Daniel Hendrickson Teachings Daniel Hendrickson

James 4:11-5:6 - God is God and You Are Not

With more humbling truth James asks us to come and reason with him. God is God and we are not. When we judge others, plan our futures apart from God, and trust in our own riches, are we not acting like we are God? What is your life? James says man's life is like a mist. Let God be the judge, seek God's will, and trust in God alone.

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 Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. - John 17:17